Cambridge Online Academy International

Family Service Directory

Contact Information

01223 616303

Service Description

Service Description:
At Cambridge Online Academy International, we combine the power of the internet and cutting-edge apps with the quality of the English National Curriculum, all packaged in a way that is engaging, accessible, and exciting for young learners. This 21st-century approach to education ensures that no child anywhere on the planet needs to be left out of the promise the future holds.

Online education of the kind offered at COA International is especially attractive for students with special needs. If students have physical or mental health concerns that make attending class in person prohibitive, there’s no need to sacri?ce the quality of their education.

Another great advantage of online education is that any potential physical threats are taken completely off the table. In a world where one out of every ?ve students reports being bullied each year, parents with concerns about bullying or other physical violence in schools can rest assured that COA International provides a safe space that promotes learning in an open, friendly environment.

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