Makaton With Virginia

Family Service Directory

Contact Information

Service Description

Service Description:
Makaton signing for Babies and Families course is run online and consists of six, one hour sessions which are run weekly.
Makaton is a language programme that use signs and speech together, along with symbols to help all children with communication. Makaton Signing for Babies and Families training is for parents, family members, carers and professionals who would like to sign with the babies and young children (up to the age of seven years old) in their care. These sessions are designed for you and your child/ren to have fun, bond and learn together. The course consists of six, one hour fun and interactive sessions designed to encourage the development of communication and language skills in babies, toddlers and young children. Topics include: Saying hello, eating and drinking, developing skills, going out, family, animals and using Makaton in play. You will also learn signing hints and tips for effective communication. I will be running an online course on zoom every Tuesday from 14th November - 19th December at 10.00 am for an hour and another starting on 6th January - 3rd February and the 6th session will be on 24th February for 10 am for an hour. Cost is £55 which includes a MSBF Pocket Book and emailed handouts at the end of every session
Information Last Updated:

Additional Information

Open All Year
Age Groups:
1 year to 8 years